
Paintings in the contemporary collection

Step inside Sille Gallery and explore our collection of painting. Be inspired by the variety of styles and options we have to offer. Whether one wants to make a statement with a large painting or seeks subtlety in a smaller size, the paintings in our gallery range in various heights and widths. In our collection you will not find standard true-to-life paintings but works of art that speak to the imagination. The artist will take you into their experience.

Dutch painting at Sille Gallery

Contemporary painting is an art form that is constantly evolving and adapting to modern times. It offers art buyers a unique opportunity to acquire paintings that reflect current society and zeitgeist. One of the characteristics of our contemporary painting collection is the diversity of styles, techniques and themes. From abstraction to figurative, expressive to subdued or colorful to sober.

On our website you can easily and conveniently search our collection of paintings. One can search our collection by style, subject, color size and price. Each artwork includes the sale price and whether an artwork can also be rented. These are unique paintings by Dutch artists who focus entirely on being artists.


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Kunst: Impression in yellow and blue van kunstenaar Jeanette van Dun
Jeanette van Dun.

Impression in yellow and blue

100 x 100 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1950 Sales only
Kunst: Untitled 2416 van kunstenaar Marly Freij(vergezichten)
Marly Freij(vergezichten).

Untitled 2416

140 x 80 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2750 Huur € 56,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Melbourne – 3 Golden Stapled Cups van kunstenaar Minke Buikema
Minke Buikema.

Melbourne – 3 Golden Stapled Cups

100 x 80 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2000 Huur € 40,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Brisbane – 2 golden cups Stapled van kunstenaar Minke Buikema
Minke Buikema.

Brisbane – 2 golden cups Stapled

40 x 40 cm (hxb) Paintings € 650 Sales only
Kunst: Adelaide – 4 Tea Cups van kunstenaar Minke Buikema
Minke Buikema.

Adelaide – 4 Tea Cups

40 x 30 cm (hxb) Paintings € 450 Sales only
Kunst: Makkum – Bowl with nr 1087 van kunstenaar Minke Buikema
Minke Buikema.

Makkum – Bowl with nr 1087

100 x 100 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2500 Huur € 50,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Badhoevedorp – Urban tea bowls van kunstenaar Minke Buikema
Minke Buikema.

Badhoevedorp – Urban tea bowls

100 x 100 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2500 Huur € 50,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Bergen – 2×3 Handbowls van kunstenaar Minke Buikema
Minke Buikema.

Bergen – 2×3 Handbowls

100 x 100 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2500 Huur € 50,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Busan – 5 Vases van kunstenaar Minke Buikema
Minke Buikema.

Busan – 5 Vases

60 x 120 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1900 Huur € 40,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Delft – Handpainted Vase van kunstenaar Minke Buikema
Minke Buikema.

Delft – Handpainted Vase

70 x 50 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1400 Huur € 38,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Impression 71 van kunstenaar Jeanette van Dun
Jeanette van Dun.

Impression 71

120 x 80 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1900 Sales only
Kunst: Fields of Joy van kunstenaar Evelyn Hamilton
Evelyn Hamilton.

Fields of Joy

100 x 130 cm (hxb) Paintings € 6500 Sales only
Kunst: Merir van kunstenaar Rinus Hofman
Rinus Hofman.


74 x 94 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1250 Huur € 38,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Swimmer van kunstenaar Yvonne Zomerdijk
Yvonne Zomerdijk.


60 x 60 cm (hxb) Paintings € 900 Huur € 28,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Myriad van kunstenaar Eelco Maan
Eelco Maan.


90 x 110 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3350 Huur € 67,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Passage van kunstenaar Eelco Maan
Eelco Maan.


90 x 90 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3250 Huur € 66,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Travel Mirror 20-11-24 van kunstenaar Ad Arma
Ad Arma.

Travel Mirror 20-11-24

100 x 100 cm (hxb) Paintings € 4000 Huur € 80,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Travel Mirror 26-11-24 van kunstenaar Ad Arma
Ad Arma.

Travel Mirror 26-11-24

80 x 120 cm (hxb) Paintings € 4000 Huur € 80,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: talks van kunstenaar Sietse Goverts
Sietse Goverts.


80 x 60 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1400 Huur € 38,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Afterglow van kunstenaar Eelco Maan
Eelco Maan.


90 x 120 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3450 Huur € 69,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Steal away van kunstenaar Eelco Maan
Eelco Maan.

Steal away

90 x 120 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3450 Huur € 69,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: September van kunstenaar Eelco Maan
Eelco Maan.


110 x 90 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3350 Huur € 67,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: On Jewel Mountain van kunstenaar Eelco Maan
Eelco Maan.

On Jewel Mountain

130 x 80 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3400 Temporarily unavailable
Kunst: Poetic reflections van kunstenaar Eelco Maan
Eelco Maan.

Poetic reflections

90 x 120 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3450 Huur € 69,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Ditchside II van kunstenaar Yvonne Zomerdijk
Yvonne Zomerdijk.

Ditchside II

80 x 120 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2200 Huur € 44,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Jolie – tapestry van kunstenaar Jacqueline Klein-Breteler
Jacqueline Klein-Breteler.

Jolie – tapestry

120 x 170 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1950 Sales only
Kunst: The Four van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

The Four

35 x 25 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3000 Sales only
Kunst: The Four (loose) van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

The Four (loose)

35 x 25 cm (hxb) Paintings € 895 Sales only
Kunst: sunscreens van kunstenaar Anneke Koster
Anneke Koster.


80 x 60 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1100 Huur € 34,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Apolima van kunstenaar Rinus Hofman
Rinus Hofman.


74 x 94 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1250 Huur € 38,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Endless Five van kunstenaar Ella Joosten
Ella Joosten.

Endless Five

110 x 110 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1950 Sales only
Kunst: Untitled 2415 van kunstenaar Marly Freij(vergezichten)
Marly Freij(vergezichten).

Untitled 2415

90 x 90 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2160 Huur € 43,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Untitled 2414 van kunstenaar Marly Freij(vergezichten)
Marly Freij(vergezichten).

Untitled 2414

120 x 100 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2750 Huur € 56,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Untitled 2413 van kunstenaar Marly Freij(vergezichten)
Marly Freij(vergezichten).

Untitled 2413

80 x 140 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2750 Huur € 56,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Untitled 2412 van kunstenaar Marly Freij(vergezichten)
Marly Freij(vergezichten).

Untitled 2412

110 x 110 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2750 Huur € 56,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Samoa van kunstenaar Rinus Hofman
Rinus Hofman.


104 x 164 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2750 Huur € 56,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Bibbona fire tree van kunstenaar Karin Vermeer
Karin Vermeer.

Bibbona fire tree

140 x 140 cm (hxb) Paintings € 8000 Sales only
Kunst: Wad dry van kunstenaar Els Vegter
Els Vegter.

Wad dry

100 x 80 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2100 Temporarily unavailable
Sold Kunst: Symbiosis 140-09 van kunstenaar Suus Suiker
Suus Suiker.

Symbiosis 140-09

100 x 140 cm (hxb) Paintings Sold
Sold Kunst: Symbiosis 160-27 van kunstenaar Suus Suiker
Suus Suiker.

Symbiosis 160-27

80 x 160 cm (hxb) Paintings Sold
Kunst: Planet Earth van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

Planet Earth

105 x 105 cm (hxb) Paintings € 6000 Sales only
Kunst: Pilgrim van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.


65 x 55 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2950 Sales only
Kunst: Choices van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.


65 x 55 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2950 Sales only
Kunst: Chopin van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.


65 x 55 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2950 Sales only
Kunst: Cantata I van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

Cantata I

75 x 55 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2950 Sales only
Kunst: Cantata II van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

Cantata II

75 x 55 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2950 Sales only
Kunst: Highlights of France van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

Highlights of France

52 x 25 cm (hxb) Paintings € 250 Sales only
Kunst: Compassion suites van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

Compassion suites

105 x 105 cm (hxb) Paintings € 6000 Sales only
Kunst: Adagio van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.


130 x 130 cm (hxb) Paintings € 8500 Sales only
Kunst: Andante van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.


130 x 130 cm (hxb) Paintings € 8500 Sales only
Kunst: The unnameable mystery van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

The unnameable mystery

69 x 55 cm (hxb) Paintings € 4500 Huur € 90,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: The mystery of horses van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

The mystery of horses

80 x 60 cm (hxb) Paintings € 4500 Huur € 90,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Mystery of forgiveness van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

Mystery of forgiveness

80 x 60 cm (hxb) Paintings € 4500 Huur € 90,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Paris van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.


39 x 39 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3500 Sales only
Kunst: Elle van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.


32 x 23 cm (hxb) Paintings € 850 Sales only
Kunst: To the sea III van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

To the sea III

40 x 40 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1750 Sales only
Kunst: To the sea II van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

To the sea II

40 x 40 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1750 Sales only
Kunst: To the sea I van kunstenaar Marthijn de Groot
Marthijn de Groot.

To the sea I

40 x 40 cm (hxb) Paintings € 1750 Sales only
Kunst: A penny for your thoughts van kunstenaar Marly Freij(portretten)
Marly Freij(portretten).

A penny for your thoughts

110 x 110 cm (hxb) Paintings € 2650 Huur € 53,- Rent or Buy
Kunst: Symbiosis 80-53 van kunstenaar Suus Suiker
Suus Suiker.

Symbiosis 80-53

80 x 80 cm (hxb) Paintings € 3250 Sales only

Painting styles

One of the hallmarks of contemporary painting is the diversity of styles, techniques and themes. From abstract expression to realism, from landscapes to portraits.

Abstract Paintings

A popular form of contemporary painting is abstract art. This movement uses shapes, colors and lines to create compositions. Abstract paintings let the imagination run wild and give room for personal interpretation. The works in this collection range from vibrant and colorful to subtle and understated. the order or, on the contrary, the chaos in a composition of colors and shapes. Or the artist’s emotions and impressions are expressed with special materials and techniques.

With their dynamic brushstrokes and interesting textures, abstract paintings add to the experience of interior design. Abstract art can be a great addition to your collection. Some progressive artists in abstract painting include Martin Copier, Eelco Maan, Sietse Goverts, Ad Arma, Lou vos, Jos van Beek and Maria Verstappen

Landscape abstract paintings

In addition to completely abstract art, landscapes are a popular subject in contemporary painting. At Sille Gallery, no small realistically stylized renderings of a landscape but artist’s interpretations that leave enough to the imagination. They can give a sense of calm and serenity or let you wander into the depths of vistas. Marly Freij, Nicole Cijs, Els Vegter, Hans van Horck, Sanneke Griepink, Suus Suiker and Angenelle Thijssen.

Portrait paintings

Another important genre within contemporary painting is portraiture. Portraits can capture personalities and convey emotions in a unique way. The artists in this collection have used various techniques to create intriguing and expressive portraits. Not a classic looking portrait but bold and inspiring paintings where it is not always about faithful reproduction but sometimes the look or the play of colors and its abstraction creates wonder. Some of the artists in this collection include Coby Schot, Bernadette Sterk, Marly Freij, and Evelyn Hamilton.


Surrealism in painting sometimes leads the beholder astray. It is a realistic painting technique but in the representation, facets do not seem to match. It gives an alienation or surprise that you didn’t see at first glance. Surrealism is an art movement born at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Although there was a peak of surrealism in the early twenties and thirties in both painting, sculpture and photography, surrealism is still present and active.